
Linear reversible circuits represent a subclass of reversible circuits with many applications in quantum computing. These circuits can be efficiently simulated by classical computers and their size is polynomially bounded by the number of qubits, making them a good candidate to deploy efficient methods to reduce computational costs. We propose a new algorithm for synthesizing any linear reversible operator by using an optimized version of the Gaussian elimination algorithm coupled with a tuned LU factorization. We also improve the scalability of purely greedy methods. Overall, on random operators, our algorithms improve the state-of-the-art methods for specific ranges of problem sizes: The custom Gaussian elimination algorithm provides the best results for large problem sizes (n > 150), while the purely greedy methods provide quasi optimal results when n < 30. On a benchmark of reversible functions, we manage to significantly reduce the CNOT count and the depth of the circuit while keeping other metrics of importance (T-count, T-depth) as low as possible.

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