
In order to investigate the Higgs mechanism nonperturbatively, we compute the Gaussian effective potential of the U(1) Higgs model (“scalar electrodynamics”). We show that the same simple result is obtained in three different formalisms. A general covariant gauge is used, with Landau gauge proving to be optimal. The renormalization generalizes the “autonomous” renormalization for λϕ4 theory and requires a particular relationship between the bare gauge coupling eB and the bare scalar self-coupling λB. When both couplings are small, then λ is proportional to e4 and the scalar/vector mass-squared ratio is of order e2, as in the classic 1-loop analysis of Coleman and Weinberg. However, as λ increases, e reaches a maximum value and then decreases, and in this “nonperturbative” regime the Higgs scalar can be much heavier than the vector boson. We compare our results to the autonomously renormalized 1-loop effective potential, finding close agreement in the physical predictions. The main phenomenological implication is a Higgs mass of about 2 TeV.

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