
Ligand-decorated metal surfaces play a pivotal role in various areas of chemistry, particularly in selective catalysis. Molecular dynamics simulations at the molecular mechanics level of theory are best adapted to gain complementary insights to experiments regarding the structure and dynamics of such organic films. However, standard force fields tend to capture only weak physisorption interactions. This is inadequate for ligands that are strongly adsorbed such as carboxylates on metal surfaces. To address this limitation, we employ the Gaussian Lennard-Jones (GLJ) potential, which incorporates an attractive Gaussian potential between the surface and ligand atoms. Here, we develop this approach for the interaction between cobalt surfaces and carboxylate ligands. The accuracy of the GLJ approach is validated through the analysis of the interaction of oxygen with two distinct cobalt surfaces. The accuracy of this method reaches a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of about 3 kcal/mol across all probed configurations, which corresponds to a percentage error of roughly 4%. Application of the GLJ force field to the dynamics of the organic layer on these surfaces reveals how the ligand concentration influences the film order, and highlights differing mobility in the x and y directions, attributable to surface corrugation on Co(112̄0). GLJ is versatile, suitable for a broad range of metal/ligand systems, and can, subsequently, be utilized to study the organic film on the adsorption/desorption of reactants and products during a catalytic process.

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