
During the last five decades, gravity, as one of the fundamental forces of nature, has been formulated as a gauge theory of the Weyl-Cartan-Yang-Mills type. The present text offers commentaries on the articles from the most prominent proponents of the theory. In the early 1960s, the gauge idea was successfully applied to the Poincar\'e group of spacetime symmetries and to the related conserved energy-momentum and angular momentum currents. The resulting theory, the Poincar\'e gauge theory, encompasses Einstein's general relativity as well as the teleparallel theory of gravity as subcases. The spacetime structure is enriched by Cartan's torsion, and the new theory can accommodate fermionic matter and its spin in a perfectly natural way. This guided tour starts from special relativity and leads, in its first part, to general relativity and its gauge type extensions \`a la Weyl and Cartan. Subsequent stopping points are the theories of Yang-Mills and Utiyama and, as a particular vantage point, the theory of Sciama and Kibble. Later, the Poincar\'e gauge theory and its generalizations are explored and special topics, such as its Hamiltonian formulation and exact solutions, are studied. This guide to the literature on classical gauge theories of gravity is intended to be a stimulating introduction to the subject.

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