
Spin-currents and non-Abelian gauge potentials in electronic systems can be treated by spin-current density-functional theory, whose main input is the exchange-correlation (xc) energy expressed as a functional of spin-currents. Constructing a functional of spin-currents that is invariant under $\text{U}(1)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\text{SU}(2)$ transformations is a long-standing challenge. We solve the problem by expressing the energy as a functional of a variable we call ``invariant vorticity.'' As an illustration we construct the xc energy functional for a two-dimensional electron gas with linear spin-orbit coupling and show that it is proportional to the fourth power of the spin-current.


  • In the last few decades, density-functional theoryDFT ͑Ref. 1͒ has grown to be a widely used method for studying the ground-state properties of interacting many-electron systems and the range of its applications has been expanding

  • The basic variable of that theoryin addition to the usual particle and spin densitiesis the paramagnetic current density jpr, which has the following advantages upon the “physical current density” jr: ͑iit has no explicit dependence on the external vector potential—a property it shares with previous relativistic formulations[5,6] andiiit does not vanish in the limit of uniform density and magnetic field, which is vital to the construction of a local density approximationLDA

  • An interesting feature of the present construction is that the use of the paramagnetic spin-current as basic variables is mandatory: without them we could not define the link operators Lvrsee Eq ͑25͔͒, which are vital to the definition of the invariant vorticity

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In the last few decades, density-functional theoryDFT ͑Ref. 1͒ has grown to be a widely used method for studying the ground-state properties of interacting many-electron systems and the range of its applications has been expanding. While this choice is not uniqueany gauge-invariant field which is in one-to-one correspondence to the vorticity would be in principle admissible, it was shown to be the most natural one, in the sense of leading to a local description of the effect of the magnetic field in the quasihomogeneous limit In extending their theory to spin polarized systems,[3] VR proved the analog of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem for paramagnetic spin-currents, and observed that the xc energy Exc— a functional of paramagnetic spin-currents— should be invariant under local U1͒ ϫ SU2͒ gauge transformations. We will show below that the quantity N−1Jp, where Jp denotes the paramagnetic particle/spin-currents and N is the particle/spin densityagain, precise definitions will be given below, behaves under U1͒ ϫ SU2͒ gauge transformations precisely like the gauge potential A This suggests a path to constructing a gauge-invariant xc energy functional Exc. Let us introduce the “SU2͒-invariant vorticity”.

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