
We apply Dirac's gauge fixing procedure to Chern-Simons theory with gauge group ISO(2,1) on manifolds RxS, where S is a punctured oriented surface of general genus. For all gauge fixing conditions that satisfy certain structural requirements, this yields an explicit description of the Poisson structure on the moduli space of flat ISO(2,1)-connections on S via the resulting Dirac bracket. The Dirac bracket is determined by classical dynamical r-matrices for ISO(2,1). We show that the Poisson structures and classical dynamical r-matrices arising from different gauge fixing conditions are related by dynamical ISO(2,1)-valued transformations that generalise the usual gauge transformations of classical dynamical r-matrices. By means of these transformations, it is possible to classify all Poisson structures and classical dynamical r-matrices obtained from such gauge fixings. Generically these Poisson structures combine classical dynamical r-matrices for non-conjugate Cartan subalgebras of iso(2,1).

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