
We review results on several interesting phenomena in warped compactifications of M theory, as presented at Strings 2000. The behavior of gauge fields in dimensional reduction from d+1 to d dimensions in various backgrounds is explained from the point of view of the holographic duals (and a point raised in the question session at the conference is addressed). We summarize the role of additional fields (in particular scalar fields) in 5d warped geometries in making it possible for Poincare-invariant domain wall solutions to exist to a nontrivial order in a controlled approximation scheme without fine-tuning of parameters in the 5d action (and comment on the status of the singularities arising in the general relativistic description of these solutions). Finally, we discuss briefly the emergence of excitations of wrapped branes in warped geometries whose effective thickness, as measured along the Poincare slices in the geometry, grows as the energy increases.

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