
Gauge bosons in the Ramond-Ramond sector of four-dimensional models based on the superstring are analyzed. The normalization of degenerate bispinor vacuum states is compared with that of Neveu-Schwarz gauge bosons, an explicit k 0 dependence is shown to be isolated when the polarization vectors are chosen to be in ϵ 0 = 0 gauge; a spin decomposition is derived, and an orthonormal basis for the space of states is defined. Because of the physical state conditions, the bispinors are given as solutions to the Dirac-Ramond equations in the covariant gauge. Aspects of the DKV no-go theorem for non-abelian gauge bosons in this sector are discussed. The on-shell three-point amplitudes involving massless particles of this type are derived in the BRST superghost formalism, and their role in superstring phenomenology is described.

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