
OPEN has become an adjective used with a myriad of terms beginning with access and joined by communications, data, source—and open research/science, which is the focus of this column. What was most interesting as I went about my gatherings was the number of articles about “open (fill in the blank)” that were not accessible without a personal or institutional subscription or the willingness of the reader to pay on demand for a download (a.k.a., pay per view, or PPV). As always, only openly accessible references are included here. Further investigation on the reader’s part using search terms such as “open research” and “open science” will uncover many more articles, but most of those will come at a price. So, it begs the question whether research/science is really open now … or will it ever be? Maintaining trust in academic publishing Groth M. KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. Blog. 2020. https://www.kwglobal.com/blog/2020/12/4/maintaining-trust-in-academic-publishing CHORUS now using GetFTR to support open research compliance for publicly funded research Girard S. 2020. https://www.chorusaccess.org/chorus-now-using-getftr-to-support-open-research-compliance/ Generating codebooks to ensure the independent use of research data: some guidelines Horstmann KG, Arslan RC, Greiff S. Eur J Psychol Assess. 2020;36:721–729. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000620. Open access legislation and regulation in the United States: implications for higher education Chaudhary A, Irwin KM, Khoa DH. J Copyright Education Librarianship. 2020;4:1–28. https://doi.org/10.17161/jcel.v4i1.13637 Science journalism, value judgments, and the open science movement Elliott KC. Front Commun. 2019. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2019.00071 Stanford researchers discuss the benefits – and perils – of science without peer review Science moving forward without traditional forms of peer […]

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