
A total of one hundred and seventy- eight (178) faecal samples were collected for the study of domesticated grasscutters' gastrointestinal parasites, from four farms located in three states (Oyo, Ogun and Lagos) in south-western Nigeria. The faecal samples were subjected to qualitative (Direct smear , Floatation and concentration of eggs and cysts, Larva culture.) and quantita- tive (Cornell-McMaster dilution egg counting technique) examinations. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The identified parasites included 9 species of Nematodes, 1 species of Cestode and a Protozoan parasite. The Nematodes were Ascaris sp., Bunostomum sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Trichuris sp., Haemonchus sp. Nematodirus sp and Strongyles sp. The Cestode identified was Moniezia sp, while Eimeira oocyst was the only protozoan parasite isolated. The highest prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites infection was observed in grasscutters from Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (78.8%) while the least was from Agege farm (58.0%).

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