
The distribution of gastro-intestinal (GI) parasites across landscapes is closely related to the spatial distribution of hosts. In GI parasites with environmental life stages, the vitality of parasites is also affected by ecological and landscape-related components of the environment. This is particularly relevant for domestic livestock species that are often kept across habitats with varying degrees of degradation, exposing them to a wide range of environmentally robust parasite species. In our study, we examined the effect of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the prevalence and intensity of GI parasites across a free-ranging stock of Ankole cattle in the Mutara rangelands of northeastern Rwanda. Prevalence and intensity of each parasite type (i.e., strongyle-type nematodes, Strongyloides spp., Moniezia spp., and Eimeria spp.) were used as dependent variables. Two fixed factors related to season and conservation-political history, together with three principal components (condensed from nine ecological variables) were used as independent covariates in a univariate General Linear Model (GLM). Major effects on the prevalence and intensity of strongyle-type nematodes and on the intensity of Eimeria spp. were found in that vegetation-related effects such as above-ground grass biomass in conjunction with a high degree of soil compaction had a negative relationship with these parasite types. These unexpected findings suggest that strongyle-type and coccidian infections increase with increasing rangeland degradation. Strongyle-type nematode prevalence and intensity were also negatively related to goat/sheep density, indicating a ‘dilution effect’ of GI infections between domestic livestock species.

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