
-Three-hundred sixty-one Sceloporus jarrovii from 16 states in Mexico were examined for gastrointestinal helminths. Two species of cestodes, Oochoristica scelopori and Mesocestoides sp.; 14 species of nematodes, Abbreviata terrapenis, Macdonaldius grassi, Physaloptera retusa, Piratuba prolifica, Scatonema wulkeri, Skrjabinoptera phrynosoma, Spauligodon giganticus, Strongyluris similis, Thubunaea iguanae, Thubunaea intestinalis, Ascarops sp., Gongylonema sp., Mermis sp., Physocephalus sp. and one species of acanthocephalan, Centrorhynchus sp., were found. With the exception of Abbreviata terrapenis and Thubunaea intestinalis, these helminths have been found in other lizards. Throughout the range of S. jarrovii in Mexico, the predominant monoxenous (direct life cycle) helminth was Spauligodon giganticus (prevalence 68%); the predominant heteroxenous (indirect life cycle) helminth was Physaloptera retusa (prevalence 27%). Sceloporus jarrovii is a new host record for Macdonaldius grassi, Piratuba prolifica, Skrjabinoptera phrynosoma, Thubunaea iguanae, Ascarops sp., Gongylonema sp., Physocephalus sp. and Centrorhynchus sp.

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