
Horses are large non-ruminant herbivores and rely on microbial fermentation for energy, with more than half of their maintenance energy requirement coming from microbial fermentation occurring in their enlarged caecum and colon. To achieve that, the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) of horses harbors a broad range of various microorganisms, differing in each GIT segment, which are essential for efficient utilization of feed, especially to use nutrients that are not or little degraded by endogenous enzymes. In addition, like in other animal species, the GIT microbiota is in permanent interplay with the host's cells and is involved in a lot of functions among which inflammation, immune homeostasis, and energy metabolism. As for other animals and humans, the horse gut microbiome is sensitive to diet, especially consumption of starch, fiber, and fat. Age, breeds, stress during competitions, transportation, and exercise may also impact the microbiome. Because of its size and its complexity, the equine GIT microbiota is prone to perturbations caused by external or internal stressors that may result in digestive diseases like gastric ulcer, diarrhea, colic, or colitis, and that are thought to be linked with systemic diseases like laminitis, equine metabolic syndrome or obesity. Thus, in this review we aim at understanding the common core microbiome -in terms of structure and function- in each segment of the GIT, as well as identifying potential microbial biomarkers of health or disease which are crucial to anticipate putative perturbations, optimize global practices and develop adapted nutritional strategies and personalized nutrition.

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