
Intussusception is defined as telescoping or invagination of the proximal part of the gastrointestinal tract (intussusceptum) into an adjacent section (intussuscipiens) which results in obliteration of the lumen [1-2]. It is considered as a form of bowel obstruction as it accounts for only 1-5% of cases of bowel obstruction [3]. Intussusception in children can occur at any site in the GI tract, and it often presents similar clinical and radiographic features at all sites. These characteristic features are the key to diagnose intussusception even at unusual sites [4]. While Intussusception is a common diagnosis among children, it is in fact a rare condition in adults with the incidence of approximately 2-3 per 1,000,000 per year [5-6]. Adult intussusception is usually presented with vaguely unusual symptoms where the use of EUS and CT is extremely useful to aid in diagnosis [1-7]. Our case presents an even rarer type of Intussusception called Gastro-gastric Intussusception. According to multiple sources it consists of only 10% of the adult Intussusceptions [7-8].

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