
Trichobezoar is a rare gastrointestinal pathology in paediatric population. Patients present with a range of symptoms from being asymptomatic to abdominal pain with a palpable abdominal mass. Once diagnosed it warrants urgent retrieval as delayed diagnosis may lead to serious complications. We present a series of six cases between March 2021 and March 2022 who presented to Children's Hospital and were diagnosed as a case of Gastric Trichobezoars. Patients were optimized and prepared for surgery. All patients underwent Surgical exploration and a tuft of hair were removed. They were followed up throughout the course of treatment and three of the patients underwent psychiatric evaluation. Trichobezoar is a rare but important surgical case that is a manifestation of underlying psychiatric ailment. Presentation varies from asymptomatic masses to life threatening complications with delayed presentations. A multi-disciplinary approach including Psychiatric, Paediatrician and Paediatric surgeon should be undertaken. Follow-up is the mainstay of treatment and recurrence may be seen due to non-compliance or inadequate management.

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