
The gas phase reaction between nitric acid and hydroxyl radical, without and with a single water molecule, has been investigated theoretically using the DFT-B3LYP, MP2, QCISD, and CCSD(T) theoretical approaches with the 6-311+G(2df,2p) and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. The reaction without water begins with the formation of a prereactive hydrogen-bonded complex and has several elementary reactions processes. They include proton coupled electron transfer, hydrogen atom transfer, and proton transfer mechanisms, and our kinetic study shows a quite good agreement of the behavior of the rate constant with respect to the temperature and to the pressure with the experimental results from the literature. The addition of a single water molecule results in a much more complex potential energy surface although the different elementary reactions found have the same electronic features that the naked reaction. Two transition states are stabilized by the effect of a hydrogen bond interaction originated by the water molecule, and in the prereactive hydrogen bond region there is a geometrical rearrangement necessary to prepare the HO and HNO(3) moieties to react to each other. This step contributes the reaction to be slower than the reaction without water and explains the experimental finding, pointing out that there is no dependence for the HNO(3) + HO reaction on water vapor.

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