
In the gas-phase chemistry of the atmosphere and automotive fuel combustion, peroxyl radical intermediates are formed following O2 addition to carbon-centered radicals which then initiate a complex network of radical reactions that govern the oxidative processing of hydrocarbons. The rapid association of the phenyl radical-a fundamental radical related to benzene-with O2 has hitherto been modeled as a barrierless process, a common assumption for peroxyl radical formation. Here, we provide an alternate explanation for the kinetics of this reaction by deploying double-hybrid density functional theory (DFT), at the DSD-PBEP86-D3(BJ)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory, and locate a submerged adiabatic transition state connected to a prereaction complex along the reaction entrance pathway. Using this potential energy scheme, experimental rate coefficients k(T) for the addition of O2 to the phenyl radical are accurately reproduced within a microcanonical kinetic model. This work highlights that purportedly barrierless radical oxidation reactions may instead be modeled using stationary points, which in turn provides insight into pressure and temperature dependence.

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