
1. It has been established experimentally that the gas permeability of sintered nickel produced from a charge containing a pore-forming addition is described, in a wide range of gas flow rates, by a two-term equation incorporating a viscosity (α) and an inertia (β) coefficient of resistance to flow. 2. An expression has been derived theoretically relating the coefficient α to porosity and pore size. It is shown that the parameter affecting this coefficient most is the root-mean-square pore radius. 3. Data yielded by experimental determinations of gas permeability, porosity, and pore volume distribution as a function of pore radius for the specimens investigated were employed to establish the relation between the effective coefficient of pore channel tortuoisity and porosity. 4. The experimental results obtained have shown that the coefficientβ for materials produced from any given metal powder depends mainly on the latter's porosity. Empirical formulas describing this relation have been derived.

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