
AbstractGas absorption accompanied by a second‐order irreversible reaction in turbulent liquid films (Re > 1,200) is described using the Danckwerts surface renewal theory. The model equations, consisting of two coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations, were solved numerically. Experimental data were obtained for the absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions flowing in a wetted wall column under turbulent flow conditions. The experimental mass transfer coefficients agree to within a mean deviation of 10.3% compared to predictions of the theoretical calculations. For this comparison, the rate of surface renewal was obtained from physical absorption experiments, the liquid viscosity and density were measured, and the reaction rate constant and all other physical properties were obtained from the literature. For the experiments the Reynolds number ranged from 1,400 to 5,300 and [OH−]b/[CO2]s varied from 9 to 29.

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