
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) bulbous medicinal monocot plant grown in India, used for various cuisine recipes. It is diploid (2n = 16) in nature, classified under genus Allium, family Alliaceae. compare to world's yield potential, Indian garlic cultivar produce less yield due to short day climatic condition. Further even though crop propagated through clonal selection, maintains variability in agro-morphological traits. Still for creating variability through biotechnological approach is in progress however induction of flowering in garlic is on prime agenda. Among biotic stresses crop majorly suffer from purple blotch, stemphyllium disease and thrips. Viral infection is important issue behind degenerating quality of seed material and indirectly reducing yield potential. In crop production, garlic shows good response to fertigation. In India mechanization in garlic planting is pre requisite to accelerate the crop demand in world's industrial market as value added processed products including allicin tablets have high demand. there are few traders involve in garlic marketing and exporting still much future trusts are ahead for increasing area, yield potential, combating biotic and abiotic stress, enhancing nutrient uptake and its proper marketing.

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