
Ayurveda the science of medicine deals with the aim of Swastha Sharir. The Rachna Sharir is the ayurveda term which mainly deals with the anatomical and physiological compositions of body. Sushrut samhita is one of those Ayurvedic classic which deals with human anatomy and physiology. It gives precise description of Garbha vruddhi and vikas kram in detail. The knowledge of Sharir starts from Garbha. The understanding of Garbha helps to manage healthy progeny. According to Ayurveda, the union of shukra (spermatozoa), shonita (ovum) and Atma (soul) inside the uterus is known as garbha (embryo). The fertilization between Shukra and Shonita produces zygote which further develops into fetus. The Ritu, Kshetra and Ambu etc. plays vital role in the proper development of fetus.. Different components originating fromFive Elements takes part in the formation, development of the garbha. The whole process of development of the foetus from two cells to mature foetus is called Garbhavakranti. Itincludes the basis of the earliest embryology which was known to the human being. In Ayurvedic texts the process of chronological development of the foetus is explained clearly. The understanding of Garbha developmenthelps to acquire necessary conditions which required for the better management of pregnancy. Extensive study and discussion is essential to understand ancient concept of Garbha vikas kram. Review of Ayurvedic text along with modern text will help to obtain knowledge regarding this. This study is an attempt to elaborate and compare both ancient and modern concept of foetal development. Keywords: Shukra, Shonit, Garbha, Garbhavakranti, Garbha vikas kram.

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