
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) may be acute or chronic and is defined as bleeding from the uterine corpus that is abnormal in regularity, volume, frequency, or duration and occurs in the absence of pregnancy. The category of AUB, characterized by an increase in the volume and frequency of menstrual bleeding (Artava), is correlated to the condition of Asrikdara. The present study aims to correlate the spectrum of diseases considered under the broad concept of “Asrikdara” and substantiate the mode of action of virechana at various pathological levels in treating Asrikdara. Artava, which attributes its feature similar to rakta dhatu, is agneya in nature and dosha associated is pitta. Thus, indicating virechana to be the line of treatment advocated for the diseases of artava. Further, concerning the definition of Asrikdara, the following spectrum of pathologies/disease conditions can be attributed to the broad concept of Asrikdara: asrija/apraja, lohitakshara, raktayoni, kunapa gandhi artava, vandhya, pittavrutha apana, rakta dushti, raktapitta and raktavrudhi. Virechana helps the samprapti vightana in each condition mainly due to its pittahara, rakta shodhaka, sroto shodhana and avarana hara action.

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