
The increase in private vehicles number will also increase the number of crimes such as vehicle theft. So the owner must have a garage to increase security. However, generally security systems still use standard security. So, a system was developed to improve security and make it easier to be more effective using the ESP32 microcontroller to process the user's distance and speed values ??to control the rolling door using fuzzy logic, monitor whether or not vehicles are in the garage through a smartphone application, manage the queuing system on the smartphone application and find out the quality of the network used. Data retrieval is done by testing the hardware performance, namely the MG996R Servo Motor, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, Magnetic Switch MC-38, Infrared Sensor, Buzzer Module, and 1W HPL LED and the performance of smartphone application software made using Android Studio. From the test results, the speed of the servo motor with forward rotation is obtained from fuzzy logic processing to get the maximum and minimum values. A monitoring system to determine the presence or absence of a car in the garage by utilizing the color change of the view on the smartphone application. In automatic mode the smartphone application uses a queue system, where only one user can use the application, so other users cannot access the smartphone application and receive notifications. Based on the ITU-T standard, network quality testing (QOS) using wireshark software with parameters delay, packet loss and throughput gets a very good category value.


  • The increase in private vehicles number will increase the number of crimes such as vehicle theft

  • The increase in private vehicles number will also increase the number of crimes

  • vehicles are in the garage through a smartphone application

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Kendaraan pribadi merupakan alat transportasi yang sangat penting pada kehidupan manusia, sehingga jumlah pengguna kendaraan pribadi dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Motor Servo adalah sebuah aktuator putar yang dirancang dengan sistem kontrol umpan balik tertutup Sehingga dapat di set-up atau diatur untuk menentukan dan memastikan posisi sudut dari poros output motor. Pemancar pada sistem ini terdiri atas sebuah Light Emitting Diode (LED) inframerah yang dilengkapi dengan rangkaian yang mampu membangkitkan data untuk dikirimkan melalui sinar infra merah, sedangkan pada bagian penerima biasanya terdapat foto transistor, foto diode atau inframerah module yang berfungsi untuk menerima sinar infra merah yang dikirimkan oleh pemancar[8]. Logika fuzzy adalah metodologi sistem kontrol pemecahan masalah, yang cocok untuk diimplementasikan pada sistem,mulai dari sistem yang sederhana, sistem kecil, embedded system, jaringan PC, multichannel atau workstation berbasis akuisisi data, dan sistem kontrol[14]. Metode Fuzzy Mamdani dalam prosesnya menggunakan kaedah-kaedah linguistik dan memiliki algoritma fuzzy yang dapat dianalisis secara matematika, sehingga lebih mudah dipahami [15]

Perencanaan Mekanik Sistem Hardware
Perencanaan Rangkaian Sistem Hardware
Penentuan Aturan Fuzzy
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