
Context The Ramsar Convention is the world’s premier environmental treaty for wetlands. This perspective evaluates gender reporting in Ramsar Convention National Reports and compliance with Gender and Wetlands Resolution XIII.18. A total of 71.8% (n = 42) of the sampled nation reports (n = 133) did not submit National Reports. Zero nations provided statistics on equitable pay or pay gaps by gender. In the sampled reports, only 10 nations submitted sex-disaggregated data. Further, only 7.5% (n = 123) of the sampled National Reports (n = 133) provided sex-disaggregated gender data relevant to the Ramsar Convention. Fifteen National Reports deleted the question on gender (Section H) on from their report entirely, including Denmark and Germany. With evidence drawn from the submitted National Reports, this perspective provides concrete empirical suggestions for improving gender reporting in the future. Gender initiatives, including Resolution XIII.18 and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have improved transparent gender reporting in the Ramsar Convention National Reports to a degree. However, on the basis of this review, there is room for improvement in national reporting. Methods National Reports from 2021 to 2022 were reviewed for all instances of ‘gender’ and then evaluated for national replies to Section H, focused on gender. Key results Five years after Resolution XIII.18, there is still a need for system-wide improvements in gender reporting, including sex-disaggregated data, and equity for women (cis and trans) for the Ramsar Convention to become compliant with Resolution XIII.18. Complying with Resolution XIII.18 is one concrete, global and measurable way for wetland science and policy to mainstream gender. Conclusions No nation has prepared a comprehensive answer to Section H on gender and wetland policy and science, as defined below; instead, nations have submitted discrete elements. The analysis of each nation’s answers showed essential elements for a comprehensive answer. In the next 5 years of gender reporting, nations have the option to learn from the past and strive to comply with Resolution XIII.18 and provide transparent sex-disaggregated data on National Heads, community stakeholders, site interpreters, site managers and equitable salary data.

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