
We demonstrate that the new single crystal of YCu$_3$[OH(D)]$_{6.5}$Br$_{2.5}$ (YCOB) is a kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (KHA) without evident orphan spins ($\ll$ 0.8\%). The site mixing between polar OH$^-$ and non-polar Br$^-$ causes local distortions of Cu-O-Cu exchange paths, and gives rise to 70(2)\% of randomly distributed hexagons of alternate bonds ($\sim$ $J_1-\Delta J$ and $J_1+\Delta J$) and the rest of almost uniform hexagons ($\sim$ $J_1$) on the kagome lattice. Simulations of the random exchange model with $\Delta J$/$J_1$ = 0.7(1) show good agreement with the experimental observations, including the weak upturn seen in susceptibility and the slight polarization in magnetization. Despite the average antiferromagnetic coupling of $J_1$ $\sim$ 60 K, no conventional freezing is observed down to $T$ $\sim$ 0.001$J_1$, and the raw specific heat exhibits a nearly quadratic temperature dependence below 1 K $\sim$ 0.02$J_1$, phenomenologically consistent with a gapless (spin gap $\leq$ 0.025$J_1$) Dirac quantum spin liquid (QSL). Our result sheds new light on the theoretical understanding of the randomness-relevant gapless QSL behavior in YCOB, as well as in other relevant materials.

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