
The ganglionic eminences are transient fetal brain structures that produce a range of neuron types. Ganglionic eminence anomalies have been recognized on fetal MR imaging and anecdotally found in association with a number of neurodevelopmental anomalies. The aim of this exploratory study was to describe and analyze the associations between ganglionic eminence anomalies and coexisting neurodevelopmental anomalies. This retrospective study includes cases of ganglionic eminence anomalies diagnosed on fetal MR imaging during a 20-year period from 7 centers in Italy and England. Inclusion criteria were cavitation or increased volume of ganglionic eminences on fetal MR imaging. The studies were analyzed for associated cerebral developmental anomalies: abnormal head size and ventriculomegaly, reduced opercularization or gyration, and abnormal transient layering of the developing brain mantle. The results were analyzed using χ2 and Fisher exact tests. Sixty fetuses met the inclusion criteria (21 females, 24 males, 15 sex unknown). Thirty-four had ganglionic eminence cavitations (29 bilateral and 5 unilateral), and 26 had increased volume of the ganglionic eminences (19 bilateral, 7 unilateral). Bilateral ganglionic eminence cavitations were associated with microcephaly (P = .01), reduced opercularization, (P < .001), reduced gyration (P < .001), and cerebellar anomalies (P = .01). Unilateral ganglionic eminence cavitations were not significantly associated with any particular feature. Bilateral increased volume of the ganglionic eminences showed an association with macrocephaly (P = .03). Unilateral increased volume was associated with macrocephaly (P = .002), abnormal transient layering (P = .001), unilateral polymicrogyria (P = .001), and hemimegalencephaly (P < .001). Ganglionic eminence anomalies are associated with specific neurodevelopmental anomalies with ganglionic eminence cavitations and increased ganglionic eminence volume apparently having different associated abnormalities.

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