
Ganglion cells and paraganglionic (PG) cells in the developing rat superior cervical ganglion were studied following postnatal treatment with p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA) for 5 to 8 days. Litter mates, injected with saline solution, served as controls. Ganglion cells of control animals were differentiated ultrastructurally according to L. Eränkö (1972a) into late sympathicoblasts and young sympathetic nerve cells. In both maturation stages treatment with pCPA caused marked swelling of mitochondria, concomitant with minor changes of other cell organelles. Parallel to the ultrastructural alterations, fluorescence microscopy and cytophotometry revealed a slight diminution of diffuse fluorescence intensity in sympathetic neurons as the expression of a mainly extragranular amine depletion. In distinction from ganglion blocking agents the alterations are regarded as a general toxic effect of pCPA upon maturing sympathetic neurons, which secondarily influences catecholamine storage sites. Following treatment with pCPA, in PG-cells an alteration of mitochondria was scarcely to recognize. Specific granules were distinctly decreased in number, in some cases to an almost complete degree. Concordant to ultrastructural observations a marked diminution of fluorescence intensity was demonstrable in SIF-cells. In addition in these elements the fluorescence spectrum shifted towards the green field. Fluorescence cytophotometric evaluations confirmed the optical impression. Provided, that PG-cells, demonstrated with electron microscopy, are identical with SIF-cells in fluorescence microscopy, the results are discussed on the basis of a specific decrease of primary catecholamines due to an enzyme inhibition involved in catecholamine synthesis.

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