
Gampong Information System Innovation (SIGAP) and who are the actors involved in innovating gampong information systems as well as obstacles to gampong officials in managing SIGAP. Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency. Not getting optimal information about SIGAP and inadequate resources in the SIGAP management process are one of the problems that arise. Qualitative research method with a descriptive approach and data collection techniques through: observation, interviews and documentation as well as data analysis techniques starting from, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the village information system innovation in Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency has not run optimally, starting from the policies issued and implementation has not been optimal so that the innovation that is to be implemented cannot be communicated well, the benefits of village information system service innovation cannot be felt to the fullest. , human resources owned by the sub-district and gampong, operator officers have undergone training so that they can carry out SIGAP in accordance with their main duties and functions but there are no facilities and infrastructure that support public service innovation, information system equipment often has problems. Gampong information system innovation is a special task for the gampong operator, it is the operator who will update the data into the SIGAP application. The actors involved in village information system innovation are DISKOMINSA, DPMG Aceh, DPMK Bener Meriah, KOMINFO Bener Meriah, KOMPAK, sub-district operators, gampong operators, village officials, cadres, midwives and the community.

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