
The charge-exchange excitations in nuclei are studied within the fully self-consistent proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation using the finite-range Gogny interaction. No additional parameters beyond those included in the effective nuclear force are included. Axially symmetric deformations are consistently taken into account, both in the description of the ground states and spin-isospin excitations. We focus on the isobaric analog and Gamow-Teller resonances. A comparison of the predicted strength distributions to the existing experimental data is presented and the role of nuclear deformation analyzed. The Gamow-Teller strength is used to estimate the beta-decay half-life of nuclei for which experimental data exist. A satisfactory agreement with experimental half-lives is found and justifies the additional study of the exotic neutron-rich N=82, 126 and 184 isotonic chains of relevance for the r-process nucleosynthesis.

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