
The aim of this study is to investigate the accretion of matter onto a compact gravitating remnant (neutron star) in the central region of the expanding shell of a Type II supernova. Computations of an explosion with the energetics of a Type II supernova have been performed to derive the structure of matter in the vicinity of the neutron star. The energy of the expanding shell and the parameters of the presupernova correspond to the known values for SN 1987A. This accretion leads to the formation of a layer of fairly dense and hot gas at the surface of the compact remnant, providing the conditions for nucleosynthesis reactions. Thus, one result of the study is to demonstrate the importance of the r and rbc processes, or explosive nucleosynthesis, in the compact envelope of a neutron star. A second result is the production of emission lines from unstable elements formed in the central part of the neutron-star envelope.

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