
We have studied the X-ray and gamma radiation shielding parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, half value layer, tenth value layer, effective atomic numbers, electron density, exposure build-up factors, relative dose, dose rate and specific gamma ray constant in some polymer based concretes such as aluminium polymer concrete, silicon polymer concrete, potassium polymer concrete, sodium polymer concrete, boron polymer concrete and lead polymer concrete. We have also studied the neutron shielding properties such as coherent neutron scattering length, incoherent neutron scattering lengths, coherent neutron scattering cross section, incoherent neutron scattering cross sections, total neutron scattering cross section and neutron absorption cross sections in the polymer concretes. The shielding properties of the studied different polymer concretes were all compared. From detailed study, it is suggested that lead polymer concrete is a good absorber among the studied concretes for X-rays, gamma radiation and neutrons. The attenuation parameters for neutrons are larger for lead polymer concrete the other studied polymer concretes. Hence, results indicate that lead polymer concrete is the best shielding material among the studied polymer concretes for X-rays, gamma and neutrons.

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