
Assessment of gamma ray activity in raw materials and the end product in `Elephant cement' from the West African Portland Cement PLC is carried out. Raw materials are collected from the company and are analyzed using gamma-ray spectrometry. The concentrations of 40K, 238U, and 232Th are highest in limestone and least in red alumina. For example, limestone has a 40K concentration of 904.42 ± 39 Bq · kg-1 while red alumina has 313.84 ± 11 Bq · kg-1. The concentration of 238U in limestone is 296.86 ± 12 Bq · kg-1 as compared to 139.44 ± 6 Bq · kg-1 in red alumina. 232Th concentration in limestone is 171.14 ± 12 Bq · kg-1 while in red alumina it is 45.65 ± 2 Bq · kg-1 . The mean activities measured for 40K, 238U, and 232Th are 667.69 ± 24, 323.48 ± 10, and 95.91 ± 4, respectively, while its corresponding mean absorbed dose rate in air at 1 m above the ground was calculated to be 264.96 nGy · h-1 or 2.321 mSv · y-1. The finished product (cement) has a mean absorbed dose rate of 282 nGy · h-1 and an effective dose equivalent of 2.471mSv · y-1. The calculated absorbed doses in nGy · h-1 and mSv · y-1 show that Elephant cement has higher activities of the isotopes than the permissible level suggested by ICRP (80 nGy · h-1or 0.7 mSv · y-1).

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