
Abstract Gamma radiolysis of solutions of ferrocene in carbon tetrachloride results in the disappearance of the solute and in the formation of ferricenium ion and inorganic iron ions. Measured yields are G(-ferrocene) = 2.88, G(ferricenium) = 1.54, and G(inorganic iron) = 1.3. The excellent mass balance with respect to iron indicates the absence of any organo-iron products other than ferricenium ion. The ratio G(ferricenium)/G(inorganic iron) of 1.18 gives support to the recent view that the major product of the radiolysis is the complex ferricenium tetra-chloroferrate although, since the ratio is rather greater than unity, it would appear that some simple ferricenium chloride is also produced. These experimental results contrast with an early study of the ferrocene-carbon tetrachloride system in which it was claimed that at least 95 per cent of the ferrocene destroyed could be accounted for as ferricenium chloride. A possible explanation of these contradictory conclusions is advanced, based on the use of...

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