
From Jan. 1993 to Sept. 1995 23 patients suffering from brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma were treated with the Leksell Gamma Knife at the University of Vienna. At the time of diagnosis 13 patients had single and 10 patients presented with multiple metastatic lesions with a total of 44 metastases in MRI scans. Median tumour volume was 5500 cmm (range 100-24000 cmm). Predominant neurological symptoms and signs were different forms of hemiparesis, focal and generalized seizures, cognitive deficit, headache, dizziness, ataxia and CN XII paresis. Fourteen patients received Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS) with a median dose of 22 Gy (range 8-30 Gy) at the tumour margin. Nine patients underwent a combined treatment of a radiosurgical boost with a median dose of 18 Gy (range 10-22 Gy) at the tumour margin followed by Whole Brain Radiotherapy (total dose 30 Gy/2 weeks). In 20 patients tumour volume reduction up to 30% of the primary tumour volume was found after 4 weeks, evaluated on CT or MRI. A total remission was seen in 4 cases 3 months after GKRS. We achieved a local tumour control of 96%. Rapid neurological improvement after GKRS was seen in 17 patients. The median survival time was 11 months; the one-year actual survival in this unselected group was 48%. Five long term survivors were still alive, 18 patients had subsequently died, 15 of them of general tumour progression. GKRS induces a significant tumour remission accompanied by rapid neurological improvement and therefore provides the opportunity for extended high quality survival. Neither local tumour control was improved nor CNS relapse free survival was prolonged significantly by additional WBRT.

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