
In the present research paper, we present the gamma shielding characterization and the optical properties of a tellurite glass system chemically defined as 64TeO2–15Na2O–5BaO-xBi2O3-(15-x)WO3–1Yb2O3. The study also focused on the evolution of gamma attenuation and optical parameters as the chemical definition of the glass system changed. The optical constants estimated and analyzed include the molar refractivity (Rm), molar polarizability (αmol), reflectance loss, optical transmission, metallization criterion, static dielectric constant, and optical dielectric constant. The values of the mass attenuation coefficient (μρ) other basic shielding quantities were also calculated and analyzed in order to reveal the relative shielding effectiveness of the glasses and their potential for radiation safety applications. For TNY-W/Bi1, TNY-W/Bi2, and TNY-W/Bi3, having Bi2O3 molar concentrations of 0, 5, and 10 mol%, respectively, the density was 5.42 g/cm3, 5.56 g/cm3, and 5.67 g/cm3, while the molar volume had values of 29.119 cm3/mol, 30.491 cm3/mol, and 31.964 cm3/mol, respectively. The Rm and αmol increased from 17.72 to 19.68 cm3/mole and 7.03 × 10−24 cm3 to 7.81 × 10−24 cm3, respectively. All other estimated optical parameters vary according to glass composition and the refractive index. The values of μρ fluctuated between 0.0344 and 56.4869 cm2/g for TNY-W/Bi1, 0.0351 and 59.3506 cm2/g for TNY-W/Bi2, and 0.0368 and 61.8444 cm2/g for TNY-W/Bi3. For a glass thickness of 10 mm and at 15 keV, the absorbed dose rates in TNY-W/Bi1, TNY-W/Bi2, and TNY-W/Bi3 were 50 μR/h, 52 μR/h, and 53 μR/h, respectively. The increase in Bi2O3 content improved the photon and energy absorption capacities of the TNY-W/BiX glasses. The replacement of WO3 with Bi2O3 in the glass system increased photon buildup factors in the glasses as well. The present glasses showed better photon absorption capacities than light and heavy concrete, standard shielding glasses, alloys, and rock samples.

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