
Cloud gaming is a promising application of the rapidly expanding cloud computing infrastructure. Existing cloud gaming systems, however, are closed-source with proprietary protocols, which raises the bars to setting up testbeds for experiencing cloud games. In this paper, we present a complete cloud gaming system, called GamingAnywhere, which is to the best of our knowledge the first open cloud gaming system. In addition to its openness, we design GamingAnywhere for high extensibility, portability, and reconfigurability. We implement GamingAnywhere on Windows, Linux, and OS X, while its client can be readily ported to other OS's, including iOS and Android. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of GamingAnywhere, and compare it against two well-known cloud gaming systems: OnLive and StreamMyGame. Our experimental results indicate that GamingAnywhere is efficient and provides high responsiveness and video quality. For example, GamingAnywhere yields a per-frame processing delay of 34 ms, which is 3+ and 10+ times shorter than OnLive and StreamMyGame, respectively. Our experiments also reveal that all these performance gains are achieved without the expense of higher network loads. The proposed GamingAnywhere can be employed for setting up cloud gaming testbeds, which, we believe, will stimulate more research innovations on cloud gaming systems.

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