
Introduction: Introduction to Health Profession (IHP) was designed to teach first-year medical students the importance of self-directed learning, accountability, and teamwork in healthcare. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the course was delivered virtually, incorporating elements of gamification. Methods: Gamification features included collaborative teamwork to simulate and record the roleplay for assignments based on crisis management scenarios. The syllabus involves knowledge checks to promote self-directed learning and personal accountability as well as online questionnaires to identify personality traits followed by discussion. Games like Chinese whispers and charades were introduced to identify listening skills. Additional gamification features include progress mechanics for collecting badges upon successful completion of knowledge checks / assessments and completing collaborative teamwork activities. Results: Results from the descriptive study on the educational usefulness of the IHP module was found to be satisfactory. The feedback was encouraging as >95% of students gave positive feedback that the IHP activities enabled them to understand the value of teamwork, effective communication, professional behavior and enabled them to be resilient and adaptable. 92% agreed that the IHP activities helped to make connections and network with their peers during the pandemic Conclusion: Gamification of IHP course was successful in terms of practicality and usefulness in promoting communication, collaborative work, experiential learning, and teamwork. Students were empowered to take charge of their own learning of both content and development of interpersonal skills and teamwork through gamification. The isolation caused by the pandemic was alleviated by the networking that occurred during collaborative group activities.

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