
Gamification is an approach to learning that has students participate in gaming style activities while engaging with the course material. While this can be readily implemented in face‐to‐face modalities, it can be more difficult to envision in an online course delivery. Here we examine this approach in two general education science courses that have been developed for online students. Each of these courses seek to empower students and give them a sense of autonomy and control of their learning “path”. Much like a choose your own adventure book, the students navigate their own way through each module, enabling them to take as much or as little time with each activity, as is appropriate to their individual learning styles. Gamified courses presented here include an evolution course and a biochemistry course focused on cooking. Game elements were used to present new material to students or for them to review content that they had already learned. Approaches that were effective (or not) are presented along with a discussion of challenges and how they were addressed throughout the course design process. Overall, the gamification has been well‐received by students, resulting in improved student evaluations and a reduction in DFW numbers for redesigned courses.

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