
Gamification is an underdeveloped didactic method in the microbiology classroom, mainly due to teachers’ limited experience with ICT. However, it can positively influence learning, especially in virtual environments such as those established by the COVID-19 pandemic. This work aimed to analyze the effects of gamification applied to microbiology classes in Biology students in blended and online modalities under the current context. A focus group of students, who experienced the didactics of gamification, Problem-Based Learning, and Project-Based Learning, was surveyed to determine the effects of these methods on its learning. Teachers and graduates also approached gamification, and their responses were analyzed. Students considered that gamification contributed to their engagement in the learning process, increasing the interest in classroom activities. The results also indicated that the three didactic approaches complemented each other and can be integrated into the face-to-face curriculum. Evidence denoted that gamification can indeed enhance cognitive, metacognitive, praxeological, and attitudinal skills, thereby bettering the learning experience.

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