
This work presents an iterative method which is based on the serious games development in elementary and high school classes, focusing on the students and teachers experiences from Brazilian scholar reality. Furthermore, it does not require strong background in game development and it is planned to be introduced any area of knowledge. It has been considered as a motivational method to engage the teachers and students’ in-depth discussions. It follows some Agile Methods practices, such as the Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum Agile Methods to guide them along the continuous exploration of game design in classrooms. This method also considers the design patterns techniques to reuse (re-guise) some well-known digital games engines and educational concepts, as example a guided game design based on the spaceships battles to associate electric charges concepts. The results obtained in experiments occurred in public schools show successful acceptance and they contribute to improve the students’ academic performance. This method is now introduced in some undergraduate and graduate practices to analyze its impact in entrepreneurship courses.

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