
Modern features of human life activity are characterized by the accumulation of risks of critical uncertainty, lack of predictability and rational basis for productive decision-making and social interaction. It actualizes the large-scale problems of various genesis. In particular, it is talked about global problems of the military-political, medical-social and cultural-economic context. The hybrid geopolitical confrontation, the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, the precariat-movements Gilets jaunes and BLM and others are the examples of this. Therefore, a modern person is faced with the critical urgency to find and use reliable means of life activity in such conditions. Scientific psychology has the task of creating and providing practical effective mental tools for a person’s life in the complex social conditions of everyday life. The development of such tools should be carried out on a multidisciplinary methodological basis. It is argued that the most important tool of human life under these circumstances is the phenomenon of the game which is in the subject field of philosophical, psychological, mathematical, sociological, cultural and political discourses. Comparative scientific analysis confirms that the game is a universal onto-phenomenal form and a productive program of subject’s rational life activity; a way of the person’s and a society’s being in difficult conditions. In the field of scientific methodology, the game becomes a canonical multidisciplinary basis for research of this range of problems. This opportunity is given to the game by its ability to ensure the processes of systemgenesis of human and social group, because it is the game as a metaprogram of the subject’s life activity that optimally ensures the implementation of the fundamental principles of systemgenesis: a) ordered integrity; b) self-stabilization; c) self-organization, d) hierarchization and e) interaction of system components. Among these principles, the leading role is played by the principle of mutual cooperation, which is provided by the mechanisms of releasing the components of the system from excessive degrees of freedom, creating a model of useful results for it. These principles are axiomatically and isomorphically implemented both at the level of personality and at the level of social communication. This is due to the game programming of the subject, which exactly corresponds to the situation relevant to him. A universal system-forming factor in the genesis of a personal game program here is usefulness. The game combines time-space indicators, indicators of the result quality, and the mechanisms of its verification. The game introduces a program-genetic context of influence on the formation of human behavior from the mode of imitation to the mode of full-fledged action in moments of uncertainty. The full-fledged application of the game as a metaprogram of activity in difficult conditions spreads in society the priorities of intersubjective communicative rationality. The canonicity of the game here is manifested in the isomorphism of its content and participation with the mechanisms of Pareto-optimality (mathematical game theory), communicative rationality (philosophy), and taxonomy of the types of leading human activity (psychology of activity).

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