
Hemodialysis is a high technology as a substitute for kidney function to remove certain residual metabolism or toxins from human blood circulation through semi permiabel membrane as blood and dialysis fluid in artificial kidney where diffusion, osmosis and ultra filtration process occurs. From WHO data recorded the world's kidney failure patients more than 500 million people, is the disease ranked 12th highest cause of death. Based on data from the Association of Nephrology of Indonesia in 2011 there are about 12,500 patients with renal failure undergoing routine hemodialysis therapy. Riskesdas 2013 shows the prevalence of renal failure in West Sumatra by 0.2%. The year 2014 in West Sumatra recorded 368 patients with kidney failure and 191 of them undergoing hemodialysis. The purpose of this study to determine the picture of anxiety levels of patients with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis therapy at Siti Rahmah Padang Islamic Hospital. The type of research used is descriptive. The study was conducted in March to April 2017, the study population was 30 people. The sample in this study were 30 respondents, sampling technique using total sampling. The data were collected using a HARS questionnaire to find out anxiety levels of patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. The result of this research was 1 patient (3.3%) had mild anxiety level, moderate anxiety level 5 patients (16.7%), severe anxiety level as many as 18 patients (60.0%), and severe anxiety level as many as 6 patients (20.0%) The conclusion of this study is that patients who undergo hemodialysis therapy in RSI Siti Rahmah Padang many who experience the level of severe anxiety. So the researchers suggest to hospital officials in order to reduce anxiety patients by providing counseling and counseling. Keywords: Patient Anxiety Level With Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis Therapy.

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