
Background: Anxiety is a feeling felt by respondents regarding disturbing mental tension, which as a general reaction with the inability to overcome a problem or there is no sense of security, which later leads to a physiological and psychological change. The level of family anxiety can be assessed by using a questionnaire with each respondent's characteristics and level of anxiety can be divided into several parts, namely: normal anxiety levels, mild anxiety levels, moderate anxiety levels, severe anxiety levels and panic. Objective: Knowing the description of the level of family anxiety in caring for patients with schizophrenia at the Mental Poliklinik UPTD. Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali and the characteristics of families caring for patients with schizophrenia based on education, age, and type of work. Methods: The research method that used in this study was descriptive research. This study used a cross sectional study, which was a study in which the subjects were evaluated only once and the measurement of each only one variable at the same time that using sampling consecutive sampling technique. The sample used was 32 people consisting of family members of hallucinations patients. Results: Based on research conducted at the Poliklinik UPTD. Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali toward 32 family members who was caring for patients by schizophrenia, most family members did not experience anxiety or anxiety in the normal range which was 29 family members of 32 family members and 3 families who experienced mild anxiety levels. Conclusion: That most family members who treated patients by schizophrenia at the Poliklinik UPTD. Rumah sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali does not experience anxiety or anxiety still within normal limits.

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