
This research was motivated by Mathematics learning learning activities that went well. It can be seen from the high learning outcomes of learning citizens. The purpose of this study is to describe professional competencies including (1) mastering the concepts and mindset of science that underlie the subject matter, (2) developing learning material, (3) developing professionalism in a sustainable manner, (4) utilizing information and communication technology to develop themselves. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in the study amounted to twenty and samples of fifteen people. The sampling technique in this research is random sampling method. Data collection techniques and tools used are interviews and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques use a percentage formula. The findings of this study indicate that the professional competence of instructors according to learning citizens in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics is very good, it includes the following four aspects: (1) mastering the concepts and scientific mindset that underlie the subject matter, (2) developing the subject matter, (3) develop professionalism in a sustainable manner, (4) utilize information and communication technology to develop themselves.It is recommended for instructors to keep maintaining and improving professional competencies that are already good in the future.


  • Marzuki (2010) mengemukakan bentuk-bentuk program pendidikan luar sekolah adalah program keaksaraan, magang, pendidikan atau pelatihan yang bersifat perluasan, kursus-kursus dan pendidikan sejenis lainya

  • This research was motivated by Mathematics learning learning activities that went well

  • It can be seen from the high learning outcomes of learning citizens

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Hasil Penelitian

Hasil penelitian mengenai gambaran kompetensi profesional instruktur menurut warga belajar dalam proses belajar mengajar Matematika di Bimbel Eye Level Kota Padang. Data penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kompetensi profesional instruktur dalam menguasai konsep dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendasari materi pelajaran menurut warga belajar di Bimbel Eye Level Kota Padang. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa kompetensi profesional dalam menguasai konsep dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendasari materi pelajaran Matematika menurut warga belajar di Bimbel Eye Level Kota Padang, dapat diklasifikasikan pada kategori sangat baik yang berarti sebagian besar warga belajar memahami konsep pelajaran Matematika yang telah dijelaskan selama proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan instruktur. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat di lihat pada Gambar 1. berikut

Gambaran Kompetensi Profesional Instruktur dalam Mengembangkan Materi Pelajaran
Secara Berkelanjutan
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
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