
Background: The incidence of postpartum depression develops during pregnancy or after delivery with a prevalence of 10-15% incidence in developed countries and about 20% -40% in developing countries.
 Objective: The purpose of this study was to know the description of the incidence of postpartum depression in RS KiA Sadewa
 Methods: The type of this study was cross sectional with postpartum maternal population in 2 weeks postpartum with the number of 78 respondents. The inclusion criteria of postpartum maternal and postnatal cesarean delivery, postpartum visit and / or infant immunization examination in otpatient Rs KIA Sadewa , and willing to be the respondent by signing the informed concent sheet. The preceding criteria for previous depression, delivery of twins, and complications in the mother and / or infant (preeclampsia / eclampsia, postpartum infections, BB <2500 g) would increase the risk of postpartum depression.
 Result: The picture of postpartum depression in KIA Sadewa Hospital based on age in respondents <20 years and age 20-35 years found 3 respondents at risk of postpartum depression, based on education on respondents with low education there are 4 respondents at risk of experiencing postpartum depression. Primiparous mother got 5 (11,9%) respondents risked experiencing of postpartum depression, with type of vaginal delivery as many as 4 (11,1%) respondent at risk of postpartum depression
 Conclussion: Based on the results of this study concluded that postpartum KIA Sadewa women at risk of experiencing postpartum depression, so that early detection and counseling related penatalksanaan postpartum depression.
 Key word : Depression, postpartum


  • The incidence of postpartum depression develops during pregnancy

  • The purpose of this study was to know the description of the incidence of postpartum depression

  • The picture of postpartum depression in KIA Sadewa Hospital based on age in respondents

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Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu nifas yang melahirkan secara spontan maupun malahirkan secara sectio cesaria yang berkunjung di RS KIA Sadewa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 78 responden dengan kriteria inklusi ibu dalam 2 minggu masa nifas yang melakukan kunjungan di RSKIA Sadewa, melahirkan secara normal dan yang melahirkan secara sectio cesarea, melakukan kunjungan nifas dan atau pemeriksaan imunisasi bayi di poliklinik RS KIA Sadewa, dan bersedia menjadi responden dengan menandatangi lembar informed concent. Intrument dalam penelitian menggunakan kuesioner EPDS dan kuesioner data demografi. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa responden penelitian didapatkan 3 responden berumur < 20 tahun dan pada umur 20-35 tahun mengalami depresi. (4,8%) responden dengan paritas multigravida mengalami depresi). 2 (4,8%) responden mengalami depresi dan per salinan pervaginan didapatkan 4 (11,1%).

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran depresi postpartum di RS KIA
Ikhsan pada pemeriksaan Scan Magnetic
Postpartum Depression in Sadewa
Menggunakan Edinburgh Posnatal
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