
The authors of the article represent a project research group developing a new dictionary of terms in the field of education. During the project implementation, it is planned to develop an online dictionary with 3000 entries which would include the term in Latvian, its explanation with cross-references to the superordinate term, the subordinate term, and coordinate terms (if existent) and the equivalents of the term in English, German, French and Russian. This publication was created with the aim to describe the development of the Explanatory Online Dictionary of Educational Terms by identifying the main problems in the early stages of the research. The object of the research is the list of the educational terms created specifically for this project from the publications during the last twenty years (doctoral theses, monographs, political and planning documents, normative documents, teaching standards and programmes, dictionaries, glossaries, etc.) according to the principle of all-inclusiveness. The article’s methodology comprises the identification of problematic cases and typological description of these cases (mostly in relation to the selection of the terms and eventual development of the term list). The search for solutions has been revealed related to several subfields of linguistics, morphology, lexicology, word-formation, semantics, terminology and terminography. As the emerging terminographic publication is unique in the Latvian linguistics, this article makes almost no comparison with other lexicographical publications. Developing a reference material that meets today’s requirements we have looked for the technical solutions for the use of the online vocabulary and carefully developed the conceptual plan whic terminologically encompasses all levels of education and all subfieldsin the broadest entirety of the concept system. The results of the previous stages of the research, the development of the concept of the dictionary, wide collection of educational terms and arrangement in three large groups of terms (education policy and management, education actors and psychology, education science, pedagogy), have allowed for revealing the problematic issues of creation and use of terms. Additional research, conversations with the professionals of the field, involvement of the experts of Terminology Commission to decide on the best, most advisable term are needed to find solutions to the issues.

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