
We prove local–global compatibility (up to a quadratic twist) of Galois representations associated to holomorphic Hilbert–Siegel modular forms in many cases (induced from Borel or Klingen parabolic), and as a corollary we obtain a conjecture of Skinner and Urban. For Siegel modular forms, when the local representation is an irreducible principal series we get local–global compatibility without a twist. We achieve this by proving a version of rigidity (strong multiplicity one) for GSp(4) using, on the one hand the doubling method to compute the standard L-function, and on the other hand the explicit classification of the irreducible local representations of GSp(4) over p-adic fields; then we use the existence of a globally generic Hilbert–Siegel modular form weakly equivalent to the original and we refer to Sorensen (Mathematica 15:623–670, 2010) for local–global compatibility in that case.

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