
1.Time intervals between attacks of biliary colic are ______.5.10% to 20% of ______ have gallstones.8.Class of diuretics that increase risk of symptomatic gallstones.11.Obesity is a _____ factor for gallstones.14.60%-80% of gallstones are _______ (without symptoms).15.Patient's who undergo this surgery often develop gallstones.16.The incidence of gallstones in ______women is increased.17.Inflammation of the gallbladder wall.21.Right upper quadrant (ab).22.Stones in the common bile duct cause more ______.25.Gallbladder sludge appears as shadows that layer with _____.26.Blockage.29.Refers to the liver.30.Most gallstones are composed of this.33.Serious complication of prolonged biliary obstruction.36.Postprandial abdominal ______.37.Most patients go to ER as a _______ resort.40.There is no advantage to ______ cholecystectomy.42.Fatty ______ intolerance.44.Gallstones are associated with increased intra-abdominal ______.46.Gallstones may impact in the ______ of the gall bladder.49.Passage of sludge can cause _______similar to gallstones.51.Total parenteral nutrition (ab).52.Hepatobiliary scintigraphy will show absence of gallbladder ______.56.Uncomplicated biliary ______ precedes more serious complications.57.Oral bile acid dissolution ______.59.Oral bile acid dissolution therapy is limited to patients with _______ stones.62.TPN promotes _____ and stone formation.65.Gallstones are more _____ with increasing age.66.The common bile duct may be ______ if stones are present.68.Yellow ______ are almost pure cholesterol.69.Stones are more difficult to ______ in the common bile duct.70.Biliary colic may occur without any precipitating ______.71.Diets high in simple _______ are associated with gallstones.72.Low grade ______ and vomiting are common.73.Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder wall.74.Biliary colic may occur with lithotripsy as stone fragments ______.75.Gram-negative ______. 1.This diagnostic study has a sensitivity of over 90% for gallstones.2.Barium enema (ab).3.Endoscopic ultrasonography (ab).4.Ask the pt. what they _______ before the symptoms started.6.Gallstones are more common in pt's. with ______ mellitus.7.Sonography is the procedure of ______ for diagnosing gallstones.9.Low ______ diets contribute to gallstones.10.Sludge represents the earliest stages of gallstone ______.11.Patients may develop _______ biliary tract symptoms.12.A positive Murphy's ______ may be present.13.Gallstones commonly form during _____.18.A porcelain gallbladder is characterized by _______ of the gallbladder wall.19.Women are ______ as likely as men to develop gallstones.20.Once gallstones manifest ______ the risk of problems increases.23.Nausea, vomiting and abd. discomfort are all ______symptoms.24.Not requiring surgery.27.Gallbladder dysmotility is a gallbladder ______ fraction <35%.28.Acute ________ cholecystitis (without stones).29.The risk of recurrent gallstones is ______ with nonsurgical treatment.31.Extracorporeal shock wave for gall bladder stones.32.______ contraceptives impair gallbladder emptying.34.Biliary colic is severe, ______ pain.35.Hepatobiliary scintigraphy with cholecystokinin ______to diagnose dysmotility.38.Another term for soda, may cause gastric distress.39.Gallstones can be yellow, ______ or black.41.A popular fruit with skin that may be difficult to digest with GB disease.43.Gallstone prevalence increases with ______ resistance.45.Computed tomography (ab).47.Evidence favors _______ cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis.48.Common bile ______.50.Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (ab).53.Term for flatulence54.US may show a thickened gallbladder _______.55._______ weight loss is associated with gallstones.58.After cholecystectomy for dysmotility symptoms do not always ______.60.Mirizzi syndrome causes high bilirubin ______ due to obstruction.61.Oral dissolution therapy is slow, ______ and associated with recurrence.62.Hypomotility is gallbladder _____.63.Gallbladder sludge may ______ into gallstones.64.Abdomen (ab).67.Some pt's follow a ______ diet to avoid biliary colic.68.Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is generally _____ and effective. The answers will be provided in the next issue.

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