
Statistics show that the numbers of natural disasters are on the increase, resulting in increased numbers of human and economic losses. It is therefore, of paramount importance to effectively and efficiently manage a large-scale disaster by utilizing and deploy the Galileo based technology developed for disaster management and rehabilitation. The University of Westminster?s, Applied DSP and VLSI Research Group (ADVRG) has been working on a project, called GaliSys, to design, manufacture, test and commission ?Fully Integrated Software Configurable Receiver Integrated Circuit(s) (ICs)? for GALILEO Radio Navigation Satellite(s). GaliSys will not only be used in looming disaster early warning systems but also can be used to provide live damage information on highways, airports, railways, pipes and associated essential infrastructure facilities prior to and soon after the disaster which will be of invaluable use to the emergency services. Furthermore, GaliSys may also provide accurate data for observing possible flood risk areas as well as providing means to locate relief and rescue personnel and vehicles in big wild fires. In addition to these, one other application area of GaliSys may be in effective relief provision for refugees in war stricken parts of the world. GaliSys provides a highly integrated, low-power and flexible platform which is readily user configurable to tailor it to the specific applications and needs. In this paper, the GaliSys project together with its possible applications in disaster management and rehabilitation are presented.

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