
Fifteen insect gall morphotypes were found on 11 plant species (8 families) in three fragments of the Dense Ombrophylous Lowland Forest, in the municipalities of Maracajá, Içara and Araranguá, Santa Catarina. Most of the galls occurred in leaves, followed by stems galls and a single gall morphotype in Leandra sp. (Melatomastaceae), occurred in both leaves and stems. Glabrous and isolated galls were more frequent than hairy and gregarious galls. Lauraceae was the family of plant with greater wealth of galls. It was pointed out the first record of the plant Microstachys serrulata (Euphorbiaceae) for the state of Santa Catarina. Galls found in Ilex theezans (Aquifoliaceae), Microstachys serrulata (Euphorbiaceae), Dahlstedtia muehlbergiana (Fabaceae), Nectandra oppositifolia (Lauraceae), Leandra sp. (Melastomataceae), Miconia sellowiana (Melastomataceae), Myrcia multiflora (Myrtaceae) and Urera nitida (Urticaceae) were recorded for the first time in the State of Santa Catarina.


  • Fifteen insect gall morphotypes were found on 11 plant species

  • Most of the galls occurred in leaves

  • It was pointed out the first record of the plant Microstachys serrulata

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Scientific Note

Galhas entomógenas em três fragmentos de Mata Atlântica no extremo Sul Catarinense, Brasil. Entomogenous galls in three fragments of Atlantic Forest in the extreme south of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Nectandra oppositifolia Nees
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